
What is a Green Investment?

Green investment is becoming an increasingly popular term to describe a specific type of investment, but there is currently no agreed definition of a green investment.

Overview of Green Technology

Green technology is a broad term used to describe any technology which reduces, mitigates or reverses the effect of humans on our environment.

Online Investment Platforms

Investment platforms are websites or apps that allow you to buy, sell, and manage investments yourself (i.e. DIY investing).

ISA Guide

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) allow UK-residents to save tax-free.

Investment Trusts Guide

Investment Trusts are publicly limited companies, which invest in other companies and assets.

Funds Guide

Investment Funds are collections of individual investments held by a single organisation.


IFISAs (Innovative Finance Individual Savings Accounts) were launched in 2016 as a way of providing the tax benefits of ISAs to the burgeoning crowdfunding sector.

Green IFISA Platforms

There are several Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA) providers who either specialise in or regularly feature green IFISA-eligible products.

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